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How to use Mind Mapping to find, create Competitive Advantage

Competitive advantage is defined as the strategic advantage one business entity has over its rival entities within its competitive industry. Achieving Competitive Advantage strengthens and positions a business better within the business environment.

 Competitive advantage is a theory that seeks to address some of the criticisms of comparative advantage. Michael Porter proposed the theory in 1985. Competitive advantage theory suggests that states and businesses should pursue policies that create high-quality goods to sell at high prices in the market. Porter emphasizes productivity growth as the focus of national strategies. Competitive advantage rests on the notion that cheap labor is ubiquitous and natural resources are not necessary for a good economy. The other theory, comparative advantage, can lead countries to specialize in exporting primary goods and raw materials that trap countries in low-wage economies due to terms of trade. Competitive advantage attempts to correct for this issue by stressing maximizing scale economies in goodsservices that garner premium prices (Stutz and Warf 2009).

Micheal Porter emphasizes productivity growth as the focus of national strategies and Competitive advantages rests on the notion that cheap labor is ubiquitous and natural resources are no necessary for a good economy.

In century 21,the more companies appear, the more competitive increased. Therefore, CEO or leaders of groups or companies must determine their strength, weaknesses of organizations. It is so difficult to determine them and implement them to win any competitors on the market.

But, if you want to survive, you must find it at all cost. No competitive advantage, no revenue for a long time in the future.

You can build a Mind Mapping Online based on basic theory about Competitive Advantage.


When you determine your advantage, remember based on M.Porter theory. Then, you and your partners need to gather to use Mind Mapping Online tool to develop many ideas. Many ideas will also brain storming. It is so effective to get many amazing, interesting, marvelous ideas. Your organization will lead the market when you have powerful competitive advantage. You can determine the price because you are number 1 of the market.


 Reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Competitive_advantage

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